What is everybody saying about GOD NOTICE ?

About ‘God Notice’:

  “This is a very good read! I found the book compelling and touching. Once I got started, I didn’t want to stop. The story pulls you along to the next series of incredible events. This book also has an important message, so it carries an impact that really stays with you. My wife feels the same. We both recommend “Heads Up” without reservations!”

-Charles R. , Oklahoma

“I finished 'God Notice' and found it very powerful within the snippet stories you told. Each was unique and had a strong message about faith and our society. I liked how Kevin was brought down his path by the stories he experienced. I really enjoyed the poem Kevin wrote for Sam.

How you rekindled their relationship and brought them back together. The ending caught me by surprise. It wasn't how i expected this to end. I went back to see if Kevin had met the messenger to connect his fate to the others, but couldn't. Maybe i missed something about the ending, was expecting a happier one for Kevin and Sam. Thanks for trusting me to read your book. I enjoyed it very much.”

-Keith, Oklahoma

I just finished reading 'God Notice' for the SECOND TIME.  It was very involving.  I was excited to learn what happens to the people and can't wait to see what happens to Kevin.  Very easy read.

[I even enjoyed it more the second time reading it than even the first time.  Made me tear up.  Men don't cry :)"]

- Don W., Oklahoma

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